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The Beautiful Drive to Mount Airy

Updated: Apr 19, 2024

The ride to the Sonker Trial was just under an hour and a half. Once we got on the highway, it was pretty much a straight shot. There was not a lot of traffic and the sights were beautiful. We were able to take the highway, and luckily we went during a time when there was not a lot of traffic. Not to mention, if we had gone a day after, there would have been a lot more traffic and people on the Sonker Trail because that was when the Autumn Leaves Festival was going to start. On the way, we were able to see the hill and the trees with their beautiful Fall leaves and coloring. We went at a time right when the leaves began to change colors and right before it was time for them to die and fall off. Once we were finally able to see the beautiful trees and the hills, neither of us couldn’t help but say something about each of them. The vibrant green color on the hills plus the blaze of red, orange, yellow, and green leaves on the trees was a great sight to see on the way to the Sonker Trail. Once we saw the Highway 64 sign on the way, it truly felt like we were right where we needed to be because we had to take the route to get to the Sonker Trail. Not to mention, we chose the Foothills region when my classmates and I were deciding what part of North Carolina we wanted to learn more about that was along Highway 64. Once we finally arrived at the point where we could get off of the highway, Winston Salem had a lot of signs, especially once we got to the Winston-Salem State University campus that I didn’t know we would be passing through. As far as the ride back goes, I would be lying if I said I didn't have one of the pies we tried on my mind the whole ride back, even when we were talking about any and everything except that pie. It was actually the first pie that we got a chance to try, and in all categories, it blew the second pie that we tried out of the park. Every now and then I still wonder if I will actually make it back out there to try the pie before I move back home after graduation. Just as it was on the way, the ride back was smooth and the highway did not bring us much traffic. We were also able to see the hills, and beautiful trees as well. The angle was different compared to on the way there though. When we were on the way, it seemed as though we were coming into the hills and the trees, but as we were leaving it was like we were looking at the back of them and exiting out of the area as we were. Overall, the trip there and back was nice and easy and the Foothills region of Highway 64 did not disappoint.

--Bria Harmon

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